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Benefits of Using a Small Aircraft Tug

The day you buy your first aircraft is going to be one of the most exciting days of your life! You've probably been researching all the different types of aircrafts in order to figure out which one is going to best suit your needs, which is a really smart idea when making such a large purchase. Then when it comes time to actually buy the aircraft you've so carefully researched, you can feel confident that you've made the absolute best choice.

Small Aircraft vs. Large Aircraft

Now, many people tend to look into the features and benefits that a small aircraft can offer when they're looking to buy their first aircraft. Essentially, it's all going to come down to a matter of preference. What do you plan on using the aircraft for? How many people do you want the aircraft to accommodate? And of course, the big question - How much money do you have to spend? Rule of thumb says the larger the aircraft, the more money it's going to cost you to maintain.

Aircraft Tugs

It doesn't matter whether you buy a small or large aircraft, you're going to need an aircraft tug if you want to be able to move your aircraft whenever you want. Aircraft tugs also allow you to move your aircraft from one place to another with little effort. If you happen to choose a large aircraft, there are many aircraft tugs available to select from, which is dependent on what type of aircraft you have. If you happen to have chosen a small aircraft then your choices are going to be more limited, which is fine because you don't need all those additional features and add-ons as moving a smaller aircraft is much easier when compared to moving a larger aircraft.

Benefits of Using a Small Aircraft Tug

A small aircraft tug can be used for any small aircraft with a weight of up to 6,000 pounds. These smaller tugs are perfect aircraft towing devices that are extremely universal, and don't even need the use of any special adapters when using it on more than one type of aircraft. Because these small aircraft tugs are made to be very simple and easy to use, the unit production cost is low, making them very affordable.

Bottom Line

Owning your own aircraft tug is going to make your life so much easier! Mainly because there's absolutely no waiting involved. No waiting for crew to help you. No waiting to get into that cockpit and start flying. All you have to do is get yourself to the airport, hook up your aircraft to your aircraft tug, and bring it out to the runway.